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San Diego Saints Baseball

Jun 22, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Richardson Field, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

This event has already passed.

Event Summary


The Saints were founded in 2011 by 5 time MLB All Star Mike Sweeney with a vision to “USE THE GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED TO SHARE THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD!” 

1Corinthians 1:2- “You are called to be a SAINT.” 
Tryouts for our 2020-2021 Saints Teams will need to scheduled through our team managers.  Please email us ASAP to reserve a spot for your Saints tryout. 

Richardson Field

17000 Rambla De Las Flores
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091

Location Map

Event Details

After retiring from MLB in 2011 after a 16 year major-league baseball career, Mike Sweeney founded the San Diego Saints to create a Travel Baseball organization that would be different than any other club out there. He teaches the SAINTS the correct way to play the game of baseball in a positive environment! 
The San Diego Saints are looking for high character boys with great attitudes who love to play the game of BASEBALL! The Saints goal is to form these boys into young men who will become great sons, brothers, students and... BASEBALL PLAYERS!
9U will be coached by Riley Froom and Griffin Tierney (Tryout 6/3/18 9:30-10:30AM)
- 10U will be coached by 16 year MLB player Mike Sweeney (Tryout 6/3/18 12-1:30PM)
- 11U will be managed by 17 year MLB player Mark Kotsay and coached by Casey Munoz (Tryout 6/3/18 10:30-12PM)
- 12U & 13U will be coached by Ryan Livingstone & Austin Green (Tryout 6/3/18 1:30-3PM)
The San Diego Saints are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

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